bring snacks

Ninja Wisdom: Bring Snacks

The Giyoshu Manual from the late 1600’s shares this nugget of ninja wisdom: bring snacks. The ninja were instructed to carry grilled rice in their pockets. This came in handy when they encountered guard dogs along the way. Remember, the best ninja policy is to make things easy and smooth. So keeping treats on hand to appease the animal guardians and avoid a conflict is a no-brainer.

We may not be confronted with guard dogs while on a deadly night mission, but we encounter “guard dogs” of our own. Sometimes it’s the inner critic voice in our head telling us not to grow any further, not to pursue any more. It can be a guard dog whose only job is to keep us stuck in fear. Other times, our guard dog keeps us at a distance from the world- but at a distance that keeps us cut off from connection, compassion, and closeness. In this metaphorical case, our guard dogs describe anything that keeps us protected. But another word for that can be ego. And, as you well know, ego is not always our amigo.

When we seek to grow, our guard dogs of protection can start to bark loudly. We may find ourselves falling away from the path, or losing our courage. Whatever we aspired to do or be begins to slip away.

This is where the snacks come in.

It’s human nature to want to turn away when fear or danger strikes. It’s also natural to go in fight mode, bringing more aggression to an already aggressive situation. But ninja wisdom tells us to bring some sweetened grilled rice and feed it to those parts of us that are in full-blown protector mode.

When we bring snacks, we choose to be gentle, and kind. We speak in low and friendly tones to the parts of ourselves that may be frightened or uncertain or defensive.  It does not benefit us to yell. What we need is self-compassion.

If we want to complete our mission successfully, bringing snacks is not a deterrent or a denial of our path. It’s the way we continue along our path with the least resistance. And we don’t get points for adding resistance. We get points for finishing.

We will have plenty of opportunities to show our grit. Today, consider what opportunities await your compassion.

What guard dogs in your life deserve a snack today?



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