worthy spiritual power

Are you worthy of spiritual power?

Are you worthy of spiritual power?

Over the course of this month as I’ve practiced and pondered bala, I recognize that so much of spiritual power is related to our dedication to the practice. (This feels very much in line with core Soul Ninja wisdom, that virtues are natural as can be and also won’t show up if we don’t cultivate them.) Spiritual power, in Buddhist thought, manifests itself only when a certain level of enlightenment or understanding has been attained. And this takes years and years of faithfulness and dedication. But there’s also another prerequisite.

You have to be worthy.

If you desire spiritual power for your own benefit, for any reason that does not empower and bless everyone and everything, it will not come to you. That isn’t what spiritual power is for. If someone desires this power for its own sake, it’s a sure sign they haven’t reached the level of enlightenment that is required. Consider this a built-in safety precaution.

Of course, fairy tales and mythical stories across time share this sentiment. Out of the thousands who tried, Arthur alone was able to remove the sword from the stone. The sword of Gryffindor appears only to a “true Gryffindor” needs it. Aladdin safely passes through the Cave of Wonders only because he is the “diamond in the rough.” Spiritual power only rests on those whose hearts are pure. You can practice from now until when you are ninety. But unless your heart is pure, it won’t matter.

So, here’s my best piece of advice regarding bala: forget all about it. Instead, focus on getting your heart right. And, when your heart is in the right place, and you truly no longer care about power for any sake other than service, perhaps then it will be made known to you.

Are you worthy of spiritual power? That may be a discerning question for your heart, and an indication where you may need to do some soul-searching.

This post is part of the Paramita Project, where I’m practicing one paramita each month. Read all my posts on bala, spiritual power, here. And stay tuned for the tenth and final paramita, coming this next week! 

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