discipline is integrity

Discipline is Integrity

In verse 26, we learn that discipline is integrity. It reads:

If you cannot look after yourself because you have no ethical discipline,

Then your intention to take care of others is simply a joke.

Observe ethical behavior without concern

For a conventional life- this is the practice of a bodhisattva.

Verse 26, translated by Ken McLeod

In this verse, we revisit the paramita of discipline. (You can read the first of my collection of posts on discipline here.) Dilgo Khentse says, “In essence, discipline is to have a peaceful, self-controlled, and altruistic mind.” And if we don’t have it? Well, we find ourselves unable to care for others well. And also, we lack integrity.

While we tend to think of discipline as an act of will, I appreciate seeing it more broadly as an act of connection. Through our discipline, we cultivate virtues that benefit others. So discipline connects us, and it is also the road toward healthy connection. So it makes a lot of sense that we can’t care for others if we can’t even look after ourselves in an ethical way. We are making messes rather than serving others with compassion and healing.

Ken McLeod paraphrases a Zen saying this way: “Deep connection, deep ethics. Little connection, little ethics. No connection, no ethics.” Doesn’t that say a lot?

No connection, no ethics. Verse 26 may expand that a bit to add: no connection, no integrity, either.

Our discipline begins with us looking after ourselves- basically, being responsible for our own actions (and messes). And it finds its completion when our desire to live a “conventional” life- one that may look more acceptable to those around us- isn’t as important as our desire to live an ethical life. Sometimes this means we make choices that others may question.

You can likely recall a time when your abstinence from something (a drink, a smoke, a collective behavior, a prank, an insult) got pushback from others. Sometimes, our ethical choices can really make others want to put pressure on us to conform to whatever they’re doing. The wisdom of verse 26 says: carry on, disciplined one. Your focus is where it should be.

How can you reframe discipline as integrity this week in ways that help you live closer to your values?

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1 Comment

  1. Art Nicklaus

    Danielle, thank you. You continue to inspire me!

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