• instagram

    Instagram Deleted My Account

    Hi friends, I just want to let you know that Instagram deleted my account. They asked for proof that I’m thirteen. I submitted my drivers license. The next thing I knew, I received notification that Instagram deleted my account for violating the age limit. They also…

  • don't retaliate

    Verse 13: Don’t Retaliate

    Verse 13 of the 37 verses encourages us not to retaliate.” It reads, “Even if you have done nothing wrong at all and someone still tries to take your head off, spurred by compassion, take all his or her venom into you- this is the practice…

  • let stealing become giving

    Let Stealing Become Giving

    Verse 12 of the 37 Verses teaches us how to let stealing become giving. It says, “Even if someone, driven by desperate want, steals or makes someone else steal everything you own, dedicate to him your body, your wealth and all the good you have ever…

  • consider others

    Verse 11: Consider Others

    Consider others in the same way you think to care for yourself. Verse 11 of the 37 verses says, All suffering comes from the wish for your own happiness.Perfect Buddhas are born from the thought to help others.Therefore exchange your own happinessFor the suffering of others—This…

  • aspire to liberation

    Verse 9: Aspire to Liberation

    Verse 9 encourages us to aspire to liberation. It reads, Like dew on the tip of a blade of grass, pleasures of the three worlds last only a while and then vanish.Aspire to the never-changing supreme state of liberation—This is the practice of bodhisattvas. What does…